showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Cyborg Hunter  Sega;Activision (Sega)1988
[62]***The Year: 2242. You're the toughest bounty hunter in the galaxy. You've amassed a fortune by defeating the most vicious creatures known to man. And now, deep inside the enemy Cyborg Fortress, you can almost taste your next paycheck. But there's a little work to be done before you cash in. Like blasting swarms of deadly Cyborgs with your powerful psycho gun. And a battle-to-the-death showdown with Vipron, the vile Cyborg leader. Prepare yourself for one explosive payday!***
[52]***[code]ボーグマン[/code] literally reads [code]booguman[/code] which is transliteration of English "borgman".
Robocop 3 Flying Edge (Eden Entertainment Software)1993 labelimageminimize